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Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page of School Streets, your trusted partner in creating safer and more attractive school streets. Here, we address common queries about our decorative school streets installation services.

What is a Decorative School Street?

A decorative school street is a road or street near a school that has been creatively designed and adorned with decorative elements to enhance its visual appeal while promoting road safety for students and pedestrians.

Why Should I Consider Installing Decorative School Streets?

Decorative school streets serve a dual purpose: they make school zones safer by slowing down traffic and improving visibility, while also beautifying the environment. These installations create a positive impact on students, parents, and the surrounding community.

Can you Customise Designs to Fit our School’s Identity?

We believe in tailoring our designs to meet the unique needs and preferences of each school. We work closely with you to ensure the decorative elements align with your school’s colours, mascot, or any other identity you wish to incorporate.

What Materials are Used in Decorative Installations?

We prioritise durability and sustainability. Our installations typically use high-quality, environmentally friendly materials that are designed to withstand the test of time and environmental factors.

Do Decorative School Streets Require Maintenance?

While our installations are built to be durable, routine maintenance may be necessary to ensure they remain in optimal condition.

We offer maintenance services to keep your decorative school streets looking great and functioning effectively.

How Long Does the Installation Process Take?

The average time to install a decorative school street is 2 days.

The duration of the installation process depends on the scope and complexity of the project. We will provide you with a detailed timeline during the planning phase.

Are there any Grants or Funding Options Available for School Street Projects?

Many local authorities and educational organisations offer grants and funding options to support projects that enhance road safety around schools.

We can assist you in exploring these opportunities and guiding you through the application process.

Can School Streets be Installed Near Preschools and Daycare Centres?

Decorative school streets are not limited to primary or secondary schools. They can be installed near preschools, daycare centres, and any educational facility with safety concerns and a desire to enhance their surroundings.

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